About Me

Let me tell you a few things about me...

Luis Hernandez


Learning and discovering drives me. I'm passionate about technology, whether it be electrical circuits, wireless technology or programming lines ... and lines of code, I love it!

Electronics Technician

Electronic Repairs

I enjoy taking apart computers, mobile devices, guitars and even cars. I like the challenge of figuering out why something is not working the way it should and being able to fix it. My current job position allows me to do this on a daily bases.

Web Developer

PHP | MySQL | JavaScript

I'm self taught and actively trying to learn more. Learing through books, tutorials and other sources, I've been able to build small applications and websites in my spare time. I'm currently learning more about design patterns to become a better developer.

Game Developer

JavaScript 2D games

Playing games is fun. Building your own is even better! It's very gratifying to build a game and play it. I've been exploring with 2D games and have manage to build a small game framework which I've used to make a couple JavaScript games.